IPFA/PEI 27th International Workshop on Surveillance and Screening of Blood-borne Pathogens – Virtual

Thank you for attending!

The first IPFA/PEI Virtual Workshop is a fact. We have welcomed 288 delegates from 39 countries these past 3 days. Thank you all for attending! We hope you have enjoyed the sessions and reached out to our sponsors.

Thank you to:
– Our Scientific Committee creating a high quality programme
– Our speakers and moderators, taking the time and effort in presenting and take part in the Q&A’s
– Our Sponsors, this workshop would not have been possible without our them. We are very grateful for their trust and support.
– The Technical Team from Key4Events, ensuring a smooth execution
– And you, the attendees, participating in our workshop!

The proceedings of all presentations are now available on this website.

While we hope to meet in-person again soon, we do hope you have enjoyed this Virtual experience.

Dr. Leni von Bonsdorff          Executive Director IPFA
Dr. Micha Nübling                  PEI